Helicase-like transcription factor (Hltf) gene-deletion promotes oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in colorectal tumors of AOM/DSS-treated mice
A genomics-informed computational biology platform prospectively predicts treatment responses in AML and MDS patients
Differential expression of androgen receptor variants in hormone‐sensitive prostate cancer xenografts, castration‐resistant sublines, and patient specimens according
A novel CRISPR-engineered prostate cancer cell line defines the AR-V transcriptome and identifies PARP inhibitor sensitivities
Elucidation of the unique mutation spectrum of severe hearing loss in a Vietnamese pediatric population
The induction of core pluripotency master regulators in cancers defines poor clinical outcomes and treatment resistance
CAP2 mutation leads to impaired actin dynamics and associates with supraventricular tachycardia and dilated cardiomyopathy
Re‐programming of gene expression in the CS 8 rice line over‐expressing ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase induces a suppressor of starch biosynthesis