Obligatory Metabolism of Angiotensin II to Angiotensin III for Zona Glomerulosa Cell–Mediated Relaxations of Bovine Adrenal Cortical Arteries
PG Kopf, SK Park, A Herrnreiter, C Krause, BP Roques… – Endocrinology, (2017) Obligatory Metabolism of Angiotensin II to Angiotensin III for Zona Glomerulosa Cell-Mediated Relaxations of Bovine Adrenal Cortical Arteries… 6 cells) were placed in RNAlater and shipped to Otogenetics for RNA extraction, polyA cDNA preparation, Illumina library preparation, and Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencing. Using DNAnexus, the reads were aligned and assembled to the bovine reference transcriptome